passion: singing

Saturday, August 21, 2010


ioc's over, now on to prelims ...

i never thought i would be penning my thoughts on my blog once again ... it's been a while since i repeatedly wrote on my blog in a relatively short span of time ... anyways, it's the YOG now! and i've been catching some action on tv and of course rooting for team singapore! :D

some thoughts;
- i thought our swimmers did relatively well ... despite not winning a gold, a silver by rainer was indeed incredible! i didn't even think we could come close to a medal. but that proved everyone wrong! we can now move on to prepare for the 2012 olympics where hopefully we would shine!
- kudos to other swimmers too like ... arren, sheng jun, clement, amanda, cheryl ... was really nerve wrecking when i watched the heats, semis and finals! i was going wild when they were midway through their races, hoping that they would really make it and beat their opponents. but oh well, the spirit of YOG is to have like a "friendly" competition right? so nevermind that they didn't finish top 3 positions.
- was watching isabelle in her opening match with the british girl in table tennis girls singles ... so happy when she won 3 games in a row! off to an incredulous start! ;D

anyways, the past 2 weeks have been crazy. balancing ioc prep, aussie trip planning and studies prep for prelims. but oh wells, IOC ended on thurs. and lemme share with you my AMAZING experience about it!

it was 7.50am. i headed off to the library and was told that kenneth was there studying. nicolette was there too. when i arrived, kenneth was all smiles and we all were like feeling the nerve bites in us. i couldn't study much because i had to be at the board room by 8.20am. i simply flipped through some king lear extracts and some poems, looking intensely at the Robert Frost poems of course (woodpile, mending wall, after apple picking). but i didn't neglect my favourite of all poems there, background and friezes. then i told kenneth: "please please God, please let me do some justice to the nigerians who suffered during the civil war and let me pick background!! i really want it (if I get a poem of course). and he was like ... "haha ... hope u get it then!"

we went to the toilet. and only break before entering the board room to seal my fate. i was outside the room. seeing no one in sight ... i decided to pace up and down outside the board room until ms jacque yeo opened the door and said "michael ..." only then did i see the other 3 inside already waiting! and oh boy, i thought i was early when it was 8.20 - the time we were supposed to report. but then, okay, i went in, put down my stuff at the side table and took two pens and a mechanical pencil. i sat down on the fourth chair facing ms jacque yeo. in front of us were 9 envelopes, each containing either KL or a poem.

ernest came first. so he picked no. 4. the next guy picked no. 2. keefe went next and chose no. 7. i wanted 7 cuz' it's like lucky no. 7 right? haha ... finally, it was down to my turn. i hesitated for a while. whether i should pick no. 7 too (cuz we are supposedly allowed to ... but later i heard ms yeo doesn't allow). but then i went by my guard feeling and chose no. 9. she opened the envelope, took the piece of paper out. from the back, it looked like a poem because there was no box outline. the other 3 had king lear extracts, while i was the only one with a poem. ms yeo said ... "you are given 20 minutes. i will signal to you 15, 10, 5 and time's up. the time now is 8.32, your time starts now..." my heart was racing. i didn't want to blank out. i entrusted this extract into His hands. i flipped the paper. and guess what? HALLELUJAH! IT WAS "BACKGROUND AND FRIEZES!" i was so happy then i smiled so widely!! so from then on, everything else was history. i wrote as much as i could for the 20 minutes.

when i came out after my ioc recording was done, i walked around for a while to wait for the board room door to retrieve my stuff. and not long later, i saw tim lim, who came over to give support. we waited for kenneth to finish his ioc.before heading back to class. he got the same as nat nah though, edmund's soliloquy. so in the end, Tim got A5S3, Nat & Kenneth got A1S2, Yuen got A3S4 and I got B&F.

but now that ioc is done, it's now time for prelims prep. physics is already underway with many exam paper practices. same for math, which needs alot of practice. same for econs, need to do alot of essays. and history, need to buck up for P1 espcially and wars questions.

until next time, TA-DAH!

;) mike

currently listening to: "Forever Reign" & "The One Who Saves" by Hillsong from the album "A Beautiful Exchange"

M!©HæĹ at 1:32 PM

Saturday, August 07, 2010


1st post in 8 months!

wow wow! this is my first post in 8 months! i really wonder how it feels to blog again. it's been so busy and my blog has been kinda dead for the past 8 months ... nopes, correction, it HAS BEEN dead.

well, i guess you wanna know abit more about me in the past 8 months yeah? (haha narcisstic!) no luh, just wanna share ... it has been rather smooth for the first 6 months until the common tests came ... which really didnt meet mine nor the teachers' expectations ... and i was really disappointed. but im really glad that my friends and teachers supported me, knowing how i can still pull through despite what others might think or say. im really grateful for all their support and stuff. and God has indeed been so good, blessing me with all these friends and more.

anyways, was at the commando selection thingy last monday and it was kinda well ... a looooooonngggg day spent there. shan't reveal what's there cuz' if you are 17 now and awaiting for that letter next year, then have fun! keeping you in suspense! haha :D

and oh yeahh ... i really wanna change my hp ... but that M1 is always pricing their mobile phones higher than that of Singtel! i'm so pissed ... i cant change network cuz my dad wont allow! grrr ... im really very very pissed about it. so, every weekend is like some "moment of truth" kinda thing ... hoping that the advert shows the lowered price for nokia E72! but it never happens ... cuz M1 still wanna have a high profit margin for that and it's almost natural in business to do so i guess ...

okay okay ... im now in a "streams of consciousness" mode ... i wanna lay down some stuff ... some aims for the rest of the year;

1. new handphone
2. new album (yupp, third one's coming out in Nov/Dec 10 ... supposed to come out last year ... to all supporters: you won't regret getting your 'hands' on this!)
3. new clothes (as in every now and then kinda thing)
4. relatively good scores for prelims
5. relatively good scores for ib
6. worship God with all my heart, no matter what
7. rejoin back philos after ib

and ohh, some new music albums by artists coming up:
1. taylor swift - speak now
2. katy perry - teenage dream
3. david archuleta - the other side of down
4. kelly clarkson (pending)
5. britney spears (pending)

plus, the following songs are my current faves:
1. undo it - carrie underwood
2. king of anything - sara bareilles
3. somebody to love (remix) - justin bieber
4. our God - chris tomlin
5. california gurls - katy perry

until next time, tah-tah!

M!©HæĹ at 10:52 PM