passion: singing

Monday, May 25, 2009


mixed: mish mash mosh ...

it's been such a long time ever since i've last posted ... oh wells, many things have happened like all the tests are over ... some good, some bad, plus twentyfour 2009 ... which kicked off on friday!! it's was really a crazy week last week ... sleeping at 1.30am on mon - wed + 2.30am on thu ... finalizing the keynote presentation! it was really a week to remember especially when i had classmates and friends who kept me going, encouraging me and asking me abt 24 and such ... was so heartening! thx so much to kenneth, tim, ben, nat and all ... you guys have been great!!

haha, then there are other things like taking a break from ym philos for 1 month to study for common tests and catch up on ... wells, then there are other things also ... which are like overwhelming! but at the same time interesting. like the bb informal parade last week ... it was like BAMM ... the best parade in weeks!! definitely! plus the past few days were crazy with math portfolio ... it's madness!

the past week was really crazy too ... esp when i found out that nicole was leaving for london!! she's going there to study ... oh wells, just when i was getting to know the class better + knowing friends like her better, then she had to leave ... now she's like the 5th classmate i know who's going overseas for studying or migrating!! so sad ...

then there are like other things also ... well, more updates soon!

M!©HæĹ at 11:03 PM