passion: singing

Sunday, April 26, 2009



the past week yet again so eventful!! started off with tuition with ben ... haha ... celeste yet again ... and we saw nikhil again!! but we didn't laugh as much cuz' we were so tired! i still remember ben was so crazy the previous monday ... laughing like nobody's business and celeste thought we were mad!! oh right ... then celeste seemed diff this week ... the way she taught us maths seemed rather diff ... somehow ... she like didn't really care abt our jokes and whatever, they didnt seem affect her?

well, that night, when i got home ... discussed with ben abt the free cones day. and before we know it, we were out of sch on tues, after his tying knots thingy for y-camp ... and we zoomed all the way to vivocity for the
ben&jerry's free cones day's FREE ICECREAM!! i was super happy that we got an escape from all the busy stuff ... and got some time off to exchange info and stuff. haha ... but when we got there ... the queue was humongously long ... super super long ... and surprisingly, it wasn't made up majority by students ... but by ADULTS, working adults!! it was insane ... so, we decided to go somewhere to sit down ... carl's jr? no, burger king? no ... in the end, we stopped at coffee bean ... had quite a long chat ... abt an hour? sat down, ate the carrot cake (it's surprisingly better than i thot!) and the ice blended mocca ... it was nice!!

ohh yeahh ... was supposed to join gabs and chins at island creamery for a little
birthday celeb thingy, but ... hhaa ... really wanted to go for this "free-cones day" thingy ... other ppl like jon, vin and all were supposed to go ... but in the end only both of them went!! ahha ... i SO DID NOT PANG anyone .... hahhhaa ... well, yeah ... so that day ... got home rather late? just like the day before after tuition that time ... and then stayed up late ... arggh ... must sleep early!!

on wed, really like died-ed in sch ... so tired ... and somemore all HL lessons!! what could be worse than that?!! with like new econs concepts, history info ... hiyo ... really felt like sleeping class!! but still wanna maintain my "
never-sleep-in-class-before" record! yeah, so that day ... was mpac after school ... and worked out several twentyfour 2009 details with the trainer ... he's so helpful!! we even got a sponsor through his help!! this is awesome ... looks like twentyfour 2009 is gonna be a huge event this year!!

and thank God ... thurs was rather slack ... many free periods ... and in the evening, had a
fireac dinner for new batch of leaders from y5 ... yeahh, i'm one of them ... and great to know new ppl like sandra, eunice, tina ... while also got to know everyone's "testimony" sorta thing ... haha .. during the session, zac+joel camwhored alot!! mann ... gotta upload those soon ... yupp .... joel's the ultimate man! make me take consecutive shots of him running ... zac also ... incorrigible ib-ers!! it was indeed a good way to sorta round up the week ... and the week before all our tests begin on tuesday (chinese!! ;)

had a nice chat with gabs+kev also ... hhaa ... sneaky little thing eh kev ... er-herm ... we all know what he did ... first was the facebook ... then now some
scandal thingyy!! oh wells, even kev can even have ... then practically the whole world will?? haha ... jkjk ...

walkACSwalk was madness I TELL YOU!! i'm part of the crew and many of them stayedover in sch to prepare all the stuff, including the crazy dance (will upload that on fb soon!!) ... haha ... didn't know nic soh, b.k even dared to dance!! and if u saw mansheng, u'ld laugh ... he was so into the dance ... like in a trance!! but overall, the event went smoothly ... especially the start ... the distribution of shirts ... where i worked with nathan ma + danielle ... awesome ppl ... who didn't get fed up even with the enormously long queue of y5 ppl ... haha, and so i worked my very best and efficiently to keep up with the incoming numbers!!

saw many friends there ... including like alot of my class!! hha ... tim lim, taylor, mansheng and i all same class and are part of the
crew!! when i first arrived at around 730am (so early!! was feeling a little sick too ... but still managed to arrive on time!), i met up with becky at the glass room and got my shirt ... at first i didnt know ... till i changed and looked into the mirror ... my name + 'crew' title was printed on the shirt!! i was like ... wow!! haha ... then i helped out with many many things thereafter ... and now my back is aching ... didn't expect it to be so strenuous ... must've been cuz of the bending up and down due to the shirt orders!

oh wells, made new friends too through the experience ... and even saw brandon choo gettin whacked like crazy at his class waterbomb game!! he was dunked like crazy ... didn't expect the stall to be so popular as compared to isaac's shoot the water cans thingy!! yupp ... and also saw my great canoeing C junior ... ray ... haha, didn't expect him to come for such stuff tho ...

anyways, when i was goin home ytd, at dover mrt ... got the shock of my life when i met with the unexpected guest ... K.Lo! i was like ... oh shucks ... but then i was too tired to do anything (not THAAAT tired tho) ... so with my good acting skills, i managed to unanswer many questions .. and pretend that nothing has happened ... oh wells, MAY GOD BLESS HIS SOUL!! shrugged him off at outram ... lest he follows me all the way home!! scary!!!!!

got home and watched the much awaited episode of
supernatural ... yeah, finally .. after 2-3 weeks of waiting ... and even my sister watched too!!! what a surprise man! and i got a call from hadrian ... asking me whether wanting to canoe for acjc ... cuz they short of ppl for their competition today ... but i declined as i have lotsa work to do today (and i'm still bloggin!!)

well, in church today, i finally managed to sell yet another
box of cookies to gab (that's like the 3rd or 4th box he bought from me alr!!) ... plus return back the *pck* after a loooooongggg time ... yeah and he shared the cookies with max + tye ... haha got compliments from max ... sayin "ohmygoodness ... these cookies are good ... tastes like those u buy from mark's and spenser" ... hahahaha ... thx so much!! will continue to retain the high quality!! and yeah ... gab wore the bday pres i gave ... the shirt ... hhaa ... suited him as he mentioned ... hahaa ... thank goodness got ben around to be a model to gauge (last week!) ...

pictures comin UPPP!! ;)

M!©HæĹ at 1:33 PM

Monday, April 20, 2009



Yup!! A Happy 17th Birthday to Gabriel!! Can't believe it!! So fast ... it was just like yesterday that ben, kev + me were planning the surprise! but anyways, yeah ... you're turned another year older!! haha ... well, out of all of us + saat, you're the oldest?? haha ... wells, but maturity wise ... eh ... er-herm ... we shall leave that aside for now!!

do have a great time and celebrate this day like no other ... spend good time with ur family!! hope everything will turn out fine today in sch (*coughs*) ... and do share with us all the (crazy?) stuff/experience ...


M!©HæĹ at 11:14 PM

Sunday, April 19, 2009


okay ... where shall i start? it was a week of eventful and crazy stuff!

in school, we had many things goin on ... like first of all, for work ... it's the crazy econs ee proposal thingy!! i didn't know that we had to hand in so soon ... thurs! and so, when i got home on mon aft tuition, i went to chiong out the proposal. after discussing with b abt the topic (and he seemed quite happy with it), i churned out the proposal and tried perfectising it ... rephrasing stuff here and there ... and walah ... on tues morn, the first thing before lessons started was to hand in that piece of important paper!! and i was like phew! luckily it's done! many other ppl were like so fed up over the proposal thingy that i was thinkin "heng ah ..." if not will be like fighting over the teachers of everyone's choice!!

and oh! after fireac on monday, went for the rew ... it was my first time attending this different type of rew ... last time's weren't that well coordinated! well ... i went to help out and it was very gratifying to see so many sec 4s who want to rededicate their lives!! hallelujah! probably it was pastor jeremy seaward who reached out to them on such a personal level? but in any case, yeah ... it's great! ;)

and during this past week ... many many many things happened in class as well!!! haha ... we had the planning for the WOW fundraising stuff to be sold cmc and we came up with a million and one plans ... price setting and amongst many others! and they wanted to even price each box of my cookies at like what ... $15?!! i was like ... u sure ppl would pay so much? economic crisis now leh ... but then, they said ... for charity ... i'm sure the church people would pay no matter what's the situation ... and that's like 11 boxes in all ... (and well hmm ... was someone saying abt $7 is too overpriced?? haha ... if ur reading this, u wld know what is overpriced!!!)
[they sold the things today ... dunno how it went though ...)

there was also the international friendship day! thanks to yuen wai ... our class made it for the japanese look as we're given japan as our country. and yeah ... plus kenneth's mum who made the lovely rice balls (though i didn't have a chance to taste 'em!!) ... aft english class ... went up to class and then, lur and the rest were exclaiming in joy after eating the rice balls ... i was like what??!!! i didn't even had the chance to try them!!! well ... kenneth will make some more ... (right?)

haha there's one thing!!! some scandals? haha ... well ... maybe it's not really ... but so funny that everyone just burst out laughing in class! it's about naHtalie ... hahah ... well, there's some coomotion over the sean guy from y6 ... haha ... dunno whether it's true ... but it seemed so funnyy ... cuz his number was written on some subway redemption card ... then many of us started making up so many crazzzy stories!!! oh wells ... now we know that she's got scandal ... well ... who was sayin cldn't dig up some stuff abt her? gotcha!

and onward to canoeing finals on friday!! was there at macritchie from start to end ... and captured all our ACS races ... yupp ... it was cooling and nice filming for the first half ... but then second half was like so scorching hot ... had to resort to move to another not so good filming location. haha ... it was so nerve wrecking watching the races ... especially those like C1 ... cuz that was my race last yr!! haha ... yeah and it's so good to see your juniors and seniors exceling well in their events!

anyways, i thot lunch aint gonna be provided ... so i bought like beehoon from the market in the morning before i left ... but to my surprise ... mr chad goh bought me lunch!! and it was subway sandwich somemore!!! so great! and like got 3 free drinks ... 2 h20s + 1 iced lemon tea ... hahaha ... but gave away 2 to the canoeists who deserved them more than me :) haha ... but it was like so cool! i used this filming thing to watch the races ... and also got free thingsssss ... haha ... well, GOD HAS REALLY BLESSED us all!

yupp ... and our a div lost the title by just 1 point ... b div beat sji by 34 points for title, and c div, luckily, got bronze ... so yeah ... a collection of bronze, silver and gold this yr! so many things happened over the past yr which i didn't even know ... oh wells, this is how the world turns eh? yeah ... but so happy for ryan who managed to get his gold ... when he was contemplating on quitting previously ... hope the talk to him the other time helped ;)

well ... then yeah ... took pictures with the cam too!! haha ... so great to see ppl like cliff, sj, sennett, jems, clare, kev, hadrian and so many others!! haha ... it was so great to watch the races ... will be back for moooorree next yr no matter what!! yeah ... so the photos and videos will be churned out in time to come ... hopefully by end may before i fly off?? keep ur eyes peeled! after the prize pstn, went out with part of the b div to carl's jnr to have a scrumptious dinner!! ordered the western bacon cheeseburger combo ... plus upgraded to chilli beef fries ... they were awesome! was so full that i took my time to eat 'em ... haha ... but it was a great fellowship with my juniors ... catching up with them ... and exchanging stuff abt ib and sec sch ... and vice versa ... indeed it was a great opportunity to know what's up with canoeing nowadays too!!

next, walkACSwalk is driving me mad ... so many things ... esp when next sat's is the actual walkACSwalk thingy ... and from what i heard some crew members need to be in sch by 5.30am!!! i was like what?! cuz im part of the awesome crew!! so many crazy stuff happenin ... like the alternative plan - dancin ... and im doin the media stuff ... with brenden ma! haha .. heard from gerard that it would be a miracle if he doesn't "molest" me?!!! i was like what??!! hhaa ... but i guess GOD WILL INTERVENE!! no fear, for GOD is here!

had bb handover parade ytd ... yupp ... and was officially appointed as dy head primer ... woootss!! so happy and humbled by the leadership role!! ;) also saw video plus the skit ... yeah they were awesome! especially ... erm ... well ... keson and ... caleb =) =) X) X) hahah ... yupp, the mountain, the avalanche and amongst alot others!!

after which, i managed to play some piano in the primers room ... and it's great that i memorised i will rise in 1 day!! ;) yay!! now on to more songs!! also ... ben + i zoomed off to j.p to have a lovely lunch there ... (we both bought from the same stall!!) ... yupp and went on a rendevous to buy gab's bday prez! went up and down the escalators ... plus walked up and down each level ... in and out of the shops ... but finally, we decided on the prezs! phew! by the time we ended the shopping, it was time to zoom off to his hse!

aft sometime on the train, we got off and bought the cake and zoomed off to his hse ... on the bus, we got a shock aft ben got an sms sayin that he was abt to go out (sneakily!!) ... arrrghghghgh ... it was panic time. our hearts started to thump tremendously fast. we could hardly think. luckily, the bus ride aint too long and we reached there in time to stop him from flying away! all thanks to am, things worked out well ... we got in quietly, we put down our stuff, he went to check on gab, and when the coast was clear .. walah!! surprise!! though he didn't appear too surprised, but he was surprised in a diff way still ;)

my prez for him ... luckily he liked it! plus ben's was an overlap of the songs (well, he wld know what i mean :) yeah, we played the new clavinova ... had millions of functions! but the grand piano sounded much nicer for the grand piano part luh ... we watched i am legend ... and haha am seemed scared at some parts of the movie!!! haha ... then gab kept asking million and one questions ... haha ben and i had to entertain only some as not to spoil the movie! (HINT HINT!! for future movies ;)

we also bought him the cake and it was nice looking ... and tasting too!! also talked with gab + am ... learnt alot ... esp jo! hahahaha ... natural heating?! "the car ... oooh ahhh!" ate some dinner ... the pizza, pasta, chicken wings ... also talked to his parents and even mentioned abt my cookiess!!! ahhaa so honoured to get the compliment!! and his mum's so hospitable!! ;)

today was part 2 of the plan. we went to eat at yoshinoya ... had some crazy talk ... (with dean, vin too) ... yeah ... ben and his baby life story ... then later on we played arcade with jon too ... and saw my bro playin the basketball game ... we moved on to the cathay after sometime (without dean temporarily) ... then when we settled down at ben & jerry's ... dean suddenly said he wanted to go over! what a trip eh!! and i learnt that jon + me same bday!!!! arggghh ... on the week of our bday ... er-herm ... ppl are gonna spend like allllooooooooooottttttttttt!!! hhahahhah ... well anyways, also played arm wresting ... and woots! i won kev ... so much for canoeist eh?! hhaha ... train hard!!!

till next time ppl ... bb ... gotta do lotsa work now!! ;)

M!©HæĹ at 4:30 PM

Wednesday, April 01, 2009



well well ... it's been a great week thus far up to this point!!! had more orders for cookies and i guess will be pausing at this point to focus on studies and shall continue baking in end may!! ;) so for those cookie lovers out there ... pls wait while the mong bakery experiments new stuff along the way. anyways, delivered to more people!!! woots!! more cookies on the way luh ...

on sunday, went to settler's cafe for the 2nd time!! went with my small grp ... went there early ... so we sat down o nthe sofa first and chatted for a while ... even had some gossip!! hahaha ... yeah yeah ... and when i came back from the toilet ... i saw the other ysg ... haha chosen ones! and saw adriel loh there with them ... haha, first thing i came back, gab was like "eh come here ..." so crazy!!! i was thinking to myself "not the thumbdrive again?!!!" but oh wells, he ordered another box of cookies ... BUT BUT ... bargained for it to be sold at $3!! no way man i rebutted! finally, the price went up to original. anyways, without fail, i made my group play sitting ducks!!!! at first it didnt seem very funny ... but thanks to crazy wayne and andrew lai, we all went crazy playing the game! i also went super high ... laughing my hearts out ... hitting the sofa every now and then! haha, then was introduced to some game which i never heard of before ... oh wells, forgot the name FOR NOW ... but we wanted to play munchkins too ... but they didn't have the normal version.

then, something funny happened at the end. when both our groups' 2 hours limit were up, the bill was given to adriel. 2 bills in his hand. for his grp he told the lady "oh, yup, i will pay for this one" ... but when the lady pointed out to him that the other bill was for my grp, he went "oh, this one ... they will settle themselves ..." i was like hohno!! they got a treat but not us!! he so rich leh ... how come never distribute his wealth wisely?? heh ... nvm luh, we left the place with dignity! ;)

then, before long, monday came! was very late for the meeting with mr blake as the bus at dover on mondays are always crazy ... take so long to arrive ... like can practically wait for 20mins before u see one ... or rather one that's empty. so i arrived rather late ... 7.15am and was rushing in and out of the mpac room ... then finally left for the side audi at 7.20am! met up with mr blake there looking so flustered ... but we managed to fit the powerpoint and thumbdrive into mr wong's comp ... and ms chock was like looking at me and said warmly "hey michael, remember to stick to 7 minutes ... 7 minutes max ..." for a moment i was so stunned and humbled! i was like ... "eh ... it's the deputy principal speaking to me ... and SHE KNOWS MY NAME?!" but then again, she might have like registered the name alr ... cuz of several occasions which needed her approval for videos and stuff.

went up to sit with class afterwhich and was looking at people's faces ... then i was like, hohno, what will their expressions be when they see video later ... ben told me this before i met mr blake ... then i was like ... hiya no worries one luh ... but then, come to think of it ... well yeah ... it might just be so scary!! but then during the sermon, by this guy who is some kungfu pro ... yeah ... this is like the third time im hearing him speak for chapel ... once in 2007, once in 2008 and once this year, 09. well, after his sermon, he said a prayer, a real long one ... in a reflective mood ... and then, my heart was alr beating like a drum ... going crazy! mad! panic! i told myself ... just calm down ... it's alright ... only when the images of poor innocent people whom that kungfu pro had injured did i managed to calm down ...

immediately when it was a prayer by the pastor, i headed down for the side of the audi. i was still a little nervous ... well, when it was my turn ... i was like ... okay ... this is it! they played the video ... then no sound ... so they gotta restart the vid after like 5 secs ... k ... so audio was in, loud and clear ... the video played on ... and the rest was history!! everyone laughed at HOMER SIMPSON!! hahaha ... well, ben and i were laughing our heads off backstage ... madness!! it was rather good that people went crazy when they saw the vid ... especially the sec 1 & 2s ... had very good response there! ppl went mad also during ben's infamous dancing about the tree scene ...

moving on, yesterday, had p.e ... and we ran 2.4 and did chin-ups. i was so nervous then!! never run in like what ... 3, 4, 5 months alr?? how to run well?? but then, i did what i cld ... and managed to get an A still!!! woots!! then, chin-ups, though i know i cld do well last time ... dunno abt this time cuz no more canoeing ... but luckily, still managed ... another A ;) ;) Yup, then stayed back awhile to encourage the other guys ... some of whom kept saying they couldnt they couldn't ... but in the end, many of them could like what ... at least 5?! no need so modest man!! u guys were great!!

hha ... and oh, forgot to mention our math teacher had lesson ob on monday too ... and ms chock came in!! i was like ... ohoh ... better be prim and proper ... the class had better be tidy ... luckily had tim ... haha, he was like so on!! cleaned the class while we were having chinese and all ... and oh, tim still owes me a BIG treat ... hahaha ;);) =P ... thx so much! haha ... then in chinese, while ppl were having chinese oral test, we were doing that crazy su yu test thingy ... and aft that ... chatted with jy for sometime ... haha ... so much to talk about!! now now who's the queen of _ _ _ _ _ _ ?? haha ... yup!!

back to ytd math lesson, was just so funny ... talked to him regarding the usual SQA stuff and laughed so much ... haha ... good for that cuz many of us were like falling alseep alr ... didn't have much incentives to wake up for most of the class ... also highlighted to her abt the "lie" ... but she denied profusely ... ahah ... nvm luh ... small thing!! but then again, math today was also just as crazy ... first lesson of the day and was doing my usual initiate-laughter thing ... haha ...

finally, well well people ... it was APRIL FOOLS DAY!!! and we had so much stuff!!!! we actually wanted to turn all our tables facing the back of the class ... but then, our dear class chair didn't want ... so yeah ... didn't luh ... but so many other things happened!!! josh woo superglued a coin at the ib bridge ... and ppl fell for it!! i even tricked greg!! haha ... looks like the guai boy persona helps alot!! yeah then ... there's this ketchup sauce thing that was like at my class door ... toilet door ... and many many other places!!! it was like ewww!!! luckily i didn't fall for the trick ... haha ... shall post pictures soon ... let me end off with a lil poem dedicated for someone ... to be given to someone ...

only when blood is made known
will you know what is honed
eleven numbers may be great
but distance, i'm not afraid
pop! goes the bottle of gin
oh! it's so satisfyingly jin
bees contain many Es,
but is it truly worth grade B?
fond is the nature's gold
please let me catch hold

", dedicated for _______ _______ --- to --- ________ ________

M!©HæĹ at 7:17 PM