passion: singing

Sunday, June 01, 2008


yup! if u read the title above, im very busy for the holidays ... so here goes ... dual trg on mon, tue, thu ... then cmps meetings 3x a week, and 2-3x a week mpac meetings! i've been packed to the core ... out from home at like 6am and back at like 7pm+ ... now ... that's worse than a hard-core office worker! then, my only so-called free days are wed and fri ... but then, i still have my phy tuition on wed ... sigh ... that's why it's so called a "holiday" season.

just ytd, when shaun and i were taking train back from bishan, we took the TODAY newspaper ... then i flipped ... to a page where got this A - Z list of fun places to go during the june holidays ... then i thought to myself, "hmm ... how i wish this could happen to me for my JUNE HOLS!! ... but it seems that this will never happen until like eh ... after army?" 2008, canoeing / 2009, study for t3 / 2010, study for t3+ib / 2011 - 2012, army. so ... i only have my year-end to enjoy and relax!

so, back to cmps. we've been working very hard on our topic - _____________, oops ... sorry, can't reveal our topic! heh ... yeah, we've been contacting the various organizations already and got very quick response ... THANK GOD! i think we're like the slowest cmps team in the whole of singapore right now ... but it's alright, we will persevere and do our best to get through to the MELBOURNE australian finals in october 2008!

i really, really, really, really ... want to go to melbourne (though it may not be fun lah, but ...) ... it's a good big break from all the stress and many things on my head in singapore. after last yr's perth finals, i've been dreaming of entering the next finals as a proper team ... not like 2007's alternates thingy.

anyways, for all those out there ... here's an exclusive from us at MPAC: twentyfour is back TAKE 2! this is the 2nd yr running that we're hosting twentyfour. it's gonna make its comeback on 25 - 26 July. the registration, briefing will be held on the 25th and then, at 5pm sharp ... your 24 hours of a lifetime begins! you can check out more at

for all acsi students, you're not left out! we've decided that this year ... it's going to be open to you as well! so, you will can also be part of this twentyfour competition as well! do look out for our official presentation once term 3 begins, the first monday 23 june (i hope) ...

onto fps now ... our seniors - zhang, both kevins and daniel ... are in US right now ... MSU ... in the michigan state competing in the WORLD finals of the FUTURE PROBLEM SOLVING competition. they won the regional finals last year at Perth and are representing S'pore at this yr's International Conference. kudos to them ... i'll share with one and all about the results once they come in ... chao!

M!©HæĹ at 3:40 PM