passion: singing

Saturday, March 29, 2008


(this is gonna be the shortest post ever...)

just when i thought my canoeing career is reaching a new peak ... that changed the perspective when i competed today;

i left the house super duper early at like 6.50am when im supposed to be at mac only at like ... 8.45am! anyways, i went there and arrived at 7.45am ... close to an hour early. helped leon and then ...
while carrying saw joshua lim getting 1st in his heats ...

then later, it was time for racing! just before the race rush here rush there ... last minutes ... borrowing number card holder at deposit of $10! (thx mr loh!) then later, it was taping ... then warm up ... hmm ... when i got up i realised it was like 50 mins to my race ... dang ... when i went down on water again ... i was back to getting "cold" but "hot" from the weather ...

went up to 1k ... saw the 3rd & 4th heats taking place ... saw James ... and he said good luck to me TWICE! such a nice guy man ... then, the race started ... i wasn't nervous at all like last time (maybe cuz this is my 2nd time racing alone - first was marathon). but then, the strong head wind caused directional problems and i had to sweep ... went zig-zag ... wasted a huge lot of time. in the end: 5th of 5 possible positions in my heats.

when i checked against the results ... i saw one heats ... only 2 ppl made it ... 1 dq, 2 dnf ... then another heats ... all 6 ppl had timing above 6 min! could not believe it! i didnt sulk ... but felt that i could have done better ... at least to improve my timing so that could get into semis. i was just 1 person away from getting into SEMIS!!!

heh ... anyways, here are the results for today;

me; heats 5th
leon; b final 2nd
cliff/ab/dav/sj; a final 4th
cliff/ab; b final 2nd
eugene; b final 2nd
eugene/nick; b final 3rd/dq
rae/tingwei; c final 1st
derek/ken/jo/winston; semis 5th
handy/josh/amos/jimmy; semis 4th
hadrian/adrian; a final 6th
neil/shengyu; a final 3rd

(^^ nick ng intensively watchin' da races)

M!©HæĹ at 7:50 PM

Friday, March 21, 2008


hey! it's been a long, super duper long time (okay, 1 mth) since I last posted. heh ... alot of things happened in the past month ... loads of stuff.

k, let's start with homework ... our teacher constantly pile us up with homework even as the common test drew nearer and nearer ... it's simply so frustrating! the crazy days prior to the tests ... sleeping at 12am constantly for almost 2 weeks really drove me to madness ... led me to have like sleepy eyes and blurrrrred vision cuz of insufficient rest ... my eyes started to wonder all over.

anyways, at least i had good marks for geog and la(b) essay ... but overall average was not up to standard but better than i expected. im so gonna improve on those weaker subjects ...

in between all these, i had FUSION 2008 practice with ppl from pentecost methodist church where I met cool ppl like Jonathan (from same sch! yeah!) ... and Samantha. also had some ym-ers like mag, elliott and jotham who sang too. during practices ... we were like so crazy ... especially jotham and I who sang like same high note at the same time ... so bewildered ... here's a pic we took ...

then, it came down to the day of fusion where I saw so many familiar faces and I almost had stage fright ... not to mention wobbly feet! no lah ... just kidding ... had so many friends surrounding me singing together to form the CHOIR! thanks mag for being so patient and ever ready even when we were so hyper.

it's been a rollercoaster ride since ... as i always receive emails regarding the outing (which until now hasnt been settled). but anyways, im looking forward to working with you guys for the next fusion (2009?).

well, moving on, it has been a great time spending the holidays ...

1. bb ta camp
2. cmps meetings

3. mpac meeting
4. ym prac
5. ym service
6. canoeing/dragonboating

the ta camp was a blast! had lovely sec 1s ... like ting yu (whose bro is the pro violinist), kheng gene (who is so chatty), samuel (who's in the same church as muah!), benjamin (who is in same cca - mpac - as me), joshua (who was in bb in primary sch) + more ...

thanks guys for giving me a chance to stay awake even when i didnt feel like opening my eyes. the rain, the 12 midnights, the combat skirmish, the meals, the laughter, the altar call ... you guys really reminded me of my sec 1 ta camp where my seniors really took care of me too. and when i was leading worship, it was really speechless to how you guys sang your hearts out and seeked the Lord in prayer

lastly before I go ... just to inform you guys ... my 4th single is going to be released by month's end or at least in april 2008! gear up for it. below is my single cover;

M!©HæĹ at 2:30 PM