passion: singing

Thursday, August 16, 2007


It’s really been quite some time since I last posted … anyways, I’m currently in Australia (Perth) for a competition (FPS ~ future problem solving 2007). It has been about 3 days since we’ve arrived here and had been away for day tour + the actual competition.

I would like to share about my personal experience of sharing rooms with my friends + ABA. For ABA, he was so kind … always treating us to meals and small items. He is truly like the “fatherly figure” around … guiding us through everywhere and covering up our losses.

However, there is this “cow” which keeps on “feeding on grass”. IT is so irritating and incredulously painful to see it roaming about here and there … its “moos” were so awful that even looking at scarecrows are better than seeing it aimlessly wandering about. I had no choice but to respond to the cow’s “moos” in a very ungentlemanly way … I simply did not answer its calls even when it was angrily staring at me … it’s too bad that it was born a cow … now you know why life is so unfair …

It has been “roaming around Perth” for quite a few times … but yet still can so ignorant in certain things … it has also been known as the animal with no courtesy and no mannerism. It doesn’t need to have a specific time to just let loose its “bad breath” … with the winter soon approaching, I predict that it will not have enough fur/hair to cover its body … probably because it is very prone to losing hair.

The cow is so horizontally challenged that it demanded for 2 seats just to fit its wonderfully crafted buttocks in the shape of scrambled eggs. It is so soft that you can break the “yolk” and allow the original shape to deform. But I prefer burning it … it is the fastest possible way or riding this type of irritant.

If you see a cow,

You’ll probably wonder how

It has so much capacity

Of milk; What a pity

I simply love to peel the skin

Even though I don’t intend to be mean

I hope it falls into the winding river

For it looks nothing but plain blur

O what audacity it has to escape

Because it does not believe in fate

Reared in the countryside,

It has yet to see the light

Fighting till the very end,

Leaves behind nothing to defend

With such snow-white skin,

Look underneath if it’s clean

Stumpy and less than 1 foot,

Crunched in the undulations of sickening boot

Stuck within the reigns of mud,

Dropped its soul, mind and heart

M!©HæĹ at 7:24 PM

Sunday, August 05, 2007


the week was filled loads of stuff ... from coursework down to f.o.p. it was a crazy week with lots of things to do and figure out. last minutes and activities are how i can describe the past 7 days.

we were supposed to have chinese test on fri (3/8), but our c.L teacher suddenly told us on monday that it was wednesday instead ... (1/8) ... we were so disturbed by it and i suddenly lost faith in her. she used to be a very organized and well-defined person ... but now, i think everybody agrees that she's not up to the standard like before. i was like ... "how am i supposed to study chinese + complete ihs + complete geog coursework all by this week?? God please help me!!"

PRAISE THE LORD! Indeed He has helped me ... we asked our geog teacher for an extension of deadline ... and she agreed, after we kept so quiet and "praised" her throughout the lesson. geog lessons are getting so much more interesting and fun ... after 7 months ... i don't know why ... but it seems like for sec 1 and sec 3 (alternating years) i only appreciate geog in the third term ... strange (maybe because the sec 1 & 3 teachers are more professional?)

mpac. we organized twentyfour, a 24-hour film-making competition for secondary schools and jc students. only about 13 teams from 5/6 schools participated. my friday was so busy ... and i couldn't take it but to take a short nap in the mpac room in between the pre and actual event briefing. (but i really pitied z.Q's foreign exchange student from japan who barely understood a word we said and zQ had to speak to him in japanese instead)

halfway through, i received an sms from j.L saying sth like ... "u going for f.o.p? there's a free shuttle bus at 6pm ..." it was 5pm then. i was so lost at that point in time ... why didn't they arrange earlier?? why must it be 1 hr before the event then sms ... then came along the next one "try to come/rush down asap ..."

fourthly * 21st FESTIVAL OF PRAISE 2007

immediately after my tuition, i rushed for the f.o.p. had to take cab there instead of bus + walk ... cuz it was alr 5.30pm ... and edward re-informed me that doors open at 6pm instead of the usual 6.30pm. the actual taxi fare was $1.10 + flag-down fare of $2.50 + peak-hour surcharge fare of $2.00 = $5.60 ... which was exactly how much i could give for small changes to the taxi uncle (two 2-dollar notes, one 1-dollar coin, two 20-cent coins, two 10-cent coins).

it was such a long queue over there ... so many ppl ... i tried to cut the queue to join up with kenneth, kristopher, edward ... but then, the usher was like "sorry, please be fair to the other ppl .." so, no choice, i found them when i went in, they found a good spot - near the screen, after much banging of closed doors. afterwards, we were joined in by joel and bryan ... who were playing psp (sigh...) i also saw lots of ppl - w.C, b.N.K (2), n.T, n.K, n.S, s.TZY, t.T. it was such a great turn out that some had no choice but to sit outside the foyer area to watch from the screen.

delirious? and don moen energised us so much that we jumped alot ... and then our legs were aching after the whole thing. the speaker "dr pringle" from australia was superb ... the best speaker i've ever heard so far ... he could engage with us through video and modern~olden days related stories like the mary and martha one ... he has questioned us indirectly whether we are good Christians or just acting like one... this has strongly touched me because ... it's very true in real life when ppl think life is all a play and multi-dimensional.

after that, i saw derek and leon ... i sorta "gave them a fright" when i greeted them with a "pat on the back". after the kfc meal, headed home with the lift of edward's most gracious and kind parents (but i had to lead the way...)


headed for faith methodist church with j.W + OwZ. i saw quite number of ppl there ... including derek (again), nic, tim, mr. jonas chow, s.Y + many many more. the worship was quite good (drummer was great), but song selection wise ... i think my church was better at that ... (still good overall!!)

outlook for the week:
mon - uyo awards + school + trg
tues - cross-country + trg
wed - nat'l day celeb + mpac twentyfour prize presentation event
thurs - nat'l day
fri - nat'l day holiday + trg
sat - bb rod parade + new admin posts official announcement
sun - church with friends

M!©HæĹ at 3:17 PM