passion: singing

Sunday, February 18, 2007


"just why" can't i be searching for you ... this sentence is taken out from my new single, titled ... "just why" (which is also from my new album - this second album will be released in june 2007). after not posting for almost 2 whole months ... i am back to share with you my crazy experiences which i can share with you through the new song.

first up in the year was the much-anticipated Sec 1 Orientation Camp - PSL situation. you would say it is a waste of time .. but then, i would rather do this than anything else then ... cuz there's not only a bonding session with your new junior in school, but also, you can look forward to them looking up to you as a role model and be inspired to be PSLs 2 years later. i have truly experienced what it is like to be a true-blue psl ... and what's more ... the camp commandent commented on us ... mentioning that all the teachers found us to be mroe helpful than previous batches of PSLs ... we were more confident in what we were doing.

moving on, was the 7 Day Shanghai-Suzhou-Hangzhou trip which was bitter-sweet. many things happened which can't be described nor be told ... juz go find out urself k? it's rather personal bits and pieces of the whole story. many people involved, many hearts hurt, many things resolved ... at the very end, everything went back to normal ... but in the midst of all these craziness, i finally realised one thing ... true friends only appear after your know them longer than you think, though it doesn't necessarily be too long.

moving on to more recently ... just 2 weeks ago ... i almost lost my canoeing paddle ... then i only managed to recover it a exactly a week later. 7 days of worries ... 7 days of troubles ... 7 days of patience? 7 days of hope? well, i've experienced it all ... then it came down to the point where i finally saw what God had arranged. i was indeed very thankful ... even though i had to go through the 7 days of fear in me. God, had put my faith in him and my patience to a test ... He wanted to see how strong a relationship i had with him ... to all out there, u may not get what u want in an instant ... but u might finally realise one day ... be it 24 hours or half-a decade later ... that God had a purpose in what was installed during that period of time. I would like to reach out to everyone out there that u must strongly believe in God and also pray too - however, don't demand things from God.

and then ... it was the crazy week in which 2 projects had to be handed in ... 3 common tests were conducted ... i almost couldn't wake up due to all these late-night-stay-ups-to-complete-the-tasks. then my vision deteriorated ... my right eye started to not be as clear as my left ... but as i prayed to God ... and slept much more than the previous week during the weekend, my eyesight came back ... but all these are with God's help ... i really couldn't just depend on sleeping.

next up, my new single "just why" which was released on 14 February 2007, purposely to coincide with valentine's day, cuz it had alot of meaning ... it is related to love and would be very appropriate song for heartships too. this is the latest follow-up to the Gold certified "another voice", which is of an r&B genre. this latest single goes back to my original roots of pop/rock. however, you can expect a more rockish side to the second album due for june 2007 as compared to the 2006-release "tearful" album. Go to MBStore to download all the previous singles including the latest one: MBStore (MBS Company)

(first time adding a picture ... anyways ...) This is the single cover for JUSTWHY >>>

well, for chinese new year so far, i have nothing much to say ... but will post abt it soon ...enjoy ur new year everybody!! May Jesus continue to Take the Wheel.

sunday, 18 february 2007

M!©HæĹ at 8:56 PM