passion: singing

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


winter is already here ... but some may wonder why the weather opposes your thinking ... well, leave that aside and go on enjoying your holidays ... (this is a light post)

> now it's the mid of the holidays for many of us, but just the start for the primary school students. well, my holidays this time is more jam-packed than ever. but let's recall ... what my holidays have been like for the past few years...
2003 | the first time planning my debut birthday party
2004 | school optional trip to brisbane + juggling with 6th SVA project + planning for da bdparty
2005 | first time have sports trg during the hols + bd-planning
2006 | (currently) planning for canoe r.o.d + canoe trg + bd-fast planning
as you can see, it's not easy surviving through the holidays for several people out there too ... imagine you throw in christmas party, class party, thanksgiving party, graduation night ... etc ... you'll probably be seen in a neighbourhood coffeeshop with bloodshot eyes (that's if you're a coffee lover ... with more coffee powder added to each drink ordered).

>> talking about birthday ... in the canoeing team, there are 5 ppl celebrating their birthday this month (of november). firstly, we have the t1 rower (who just flown back from london today, from his chamber orchestra performance ... not canoeing) joshua tan. next, for three consecutive days starting from twenty-third november, we have three sec ones turning thirteen - eugene, nicholas, derek. then finally, ending of the month of birthdays, would be mine on da last day of november. which conincidentally is also ... some important day (go find out yourself ... if you can).

>>> and also moving on to canoeing r.o.d ... you guys can hear the full details in the announcements tomorrow. the cost, the venue, the time, the duration, the distance (to the venue), the route (to the venue) will all be revealed tomorrow during the debrief.

it's been a hard time planning for the r.o.d ... since there's only zac and me doing it full-time. but it's kinda fun this way, cuz if we have an open session, it'll only create more disorder, if not, confusion and arguments. you are assured of entertainment, or at least, self-initiation at the r.o.d party. but all can only be found out on the actual day itself. no garuntees whatsoevers ... so ... i hope you'll enjoy yourselves as much as possible.

wednesday, 22 november 2006

M!©HæĹ at 7:38 PM

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


time has really past real fast ... it's really my pleasure to share my past ten days with u guys ... and here it goes (please bear with the long, nice post)

canoeing under the sun
for the past two weeks, canoeing has been rather fun, tiring in a different way and interesting. while i've been taking a k1 ever since the end of examinations (with the exception of partnering zacary once), i've never got the chance to experience the twin-engine powered speed (k2, that is ... sorry for the chim-ness). just last saturday, and since then, i've been taking k2 with davin. it's a rather pleasant experience, a much different one when i last took with AB. probably it's because our fitness level has improved more? anyways, it was so much fun taking k2 with davin too ... although sometimes things might go a little wrong (like boat wobbles a little).

it always seems bright and sunny in the morning when we row, but when we travel back home later, we would find that the clear blue skies would begin to turn greyish, giving people the moody-feeling. that's why it's called canoeing, under the sun and not the rain.

happiness under one roof
although most of my time has been taken up by canoeing, i still find time to enjoy the holidays with friends like shaun, zacary and mr ivan sim. after canoeing trainings, sometimes we will go out and eat at respectable fast-food restaurants and talk about many different topics, or even very contagious jokes. and just yesterday, after muching on our brunch, and heading towards the mrt station, there were a group of teenage girls asking people for donations ... claiming to be helping ex-convicts ... under the company aty-something pte Ltd.

i didn't really like that kind of persuasive attitude and anime-like pitiful look which really tricks people into giving money ... it's rather bad to do such things. whether or not the money benefits ex-convicts, they or anyone who does such things should really convince people by showing an official stamp which people can trust ... for example ... some well-known company or sth similar. but luckily, i managed to escape using a smart idea (can guess it?).

music under development (inspirational message)
many of you might have been inspired or feel that you have an urge to follow many lyricists' footsteps ... well, i too are like those out there who have been struck by the many great songs in the world. (the lyrics on my front page was from my debut album entitled "Tearful") i wanna bring a message across that ... if you want to achieve something, don't be afraid, just go and work your hearts out for it.

the first selected inspirational song from the album is the most well-received song to date "Stay On Forever". it speaks of my feelings from the time when i entered the prefectorial board in p3 till my final days in p6. you must endure the pain that you are expected to go through and don't give up even if you are pushed to the limits. take some time off to know what you are going to do in the days ahead.
for full album download: go to
(includes hit tracks like "stay on forever", "from this moment on", "heartbreak" & "another voice")

wednesday, 15 November 2006

M!©HæĹ at 10:48 PM

Sunday, November 05, 2006


it's finally a post after a two-week absence and you can expect alot from this post...

the first thing
the PSL (peer support leader) training on monday and tuesday was very exciting and innovative! though we had a few lectures which were entertaining, we still managed to find time to have bonding sessions together. the trust game was surely one that made sure everyone showed support for one another. and abseiling was the highlight of both days, definitely the most-anticipated event of the training.

then we also had some body parts game led by my group's teacher facilitator, Ms Jean Luah, who cracked her brain for wild and creative ideas for the wacky game. we had 4 or 5 in a team and she would say somethin' like 2 hands and 3 legs ... so we gotta find some ways to do that within a certain limit. the group that takes the longest time to do the mentioned would have 1 demerit and the winner + runner-up gets 1 Merit each. at the end of the whole thing, my group got the lowest points and we were instructed to pick up millipedes as a forfeit ... how disgusting!! but i manage to overcome my fears of them as they coil up once you touch them (not really that easy though) ... it's creepy and crawly ...

i totally look forward to be the care-taker or school guardian of some secondary one students next year! it can be called a junior-senior-promotion!!

the second thing
canoeing trainings this week have been nothing but tough ... Mr Goh introduced the new training method of canoe then run instead of our traditional run then canoe ... tiring would be the word to describe the new formula. and i garuntee you (unless you are super-chaoji-fit) that you would feel very shag for the first time in your life if you do it for the first time. but this helps us eventually ... so, what is there to complain?

but the only thing is that the drop in discipline and stuff would come a heavy price - punishment ... that is push-ups and more push-ups. we were told to do the 8x10 in two seperate continuous sets of 5, 3. you would feel like the sky is gonna fall anytime when u get up from the p-up position ... but some people still feel so energetic that they can talk non-stop while walking back to the shed ... (sigh)

the third thing
you will not believe it ... i just got another promotion ... and this time it's for BB (Boys' Brigade). and i'm super proud of it (in a nice way of course). the last time i got promoted from Pte/2 to Lcp/2 was about 2-3 weeks ago ... and now ... 2-3 weeks later, i'm promoted again from Lcp/2 to Cpl/2. that's the best christmas gift that i can ever receive this year!! i wasn't expecting my promotion so soon ... but i'm really thankful to Mr Nicholas Chen for making it possible and a success too.

the drill exam 2 today was also very fun with the 3-2 ranks exercise which made the whole 40-min long exam very very very super duper refreshing. with the Primers - Primer Arthur, Tim Tang - commanding us and giving us encouragement along the way ... we bonded together further and strived for the very best during that period of time ... o ... i also forgot to mention that the last Live! Praise for a BB Parade (in school) this year was held today with insiprational songs like Power of Your Love.

I must thank Jesus for giving me an opportunity in BB and learn many things including perseverance (the BB hike), patience (the LDC 1) and change in thinking (throughout all the parades in the year). and on a more serious note, He has helped all the BB boys through many crisis and our times of need in 2006 right from the start of the year during the BB Day trainings all the way till today's 42nd parade (2006).

the last thing
upcoming events (TO LOOK FORWARD TO):
(i) the BB barbecue party (ii) the 12th Coy SGB (iii) the 14th BD of muah (iv) family holiday trip
(v) christmas day (vi) new serials coming up and more to come ...

saturday, 4 November 2006

M!©HæĹ at 7:03 PM