passion: singing

Friday, September 29, 2006


after doing people's quizzes and stuff, it's time for some fun with my newly-created personal, yet not so in-depth kinda questions ... don't expect full complete answers

who knows what's inside?
[warm-up] Who's/When's/What's your ...
01 - best friend/s = jwee + jpoon + ztan (go find out who they are)
02 - best pri sch teachers = (eng) ms woon (cl) ms tan bp (sci) mr elkan lim (math) mrs mona tan
03 - best sec sch teachers = (eng) mdm phua (cl) mrs mary lee (math) mdm loh cm (p.sci) undecided (l.sci) aslo undecided (hist) mrs lim chiaw yen (geog) ms. emily ong
04 - best time in sch = singing in class
05 - best time at home = composing songs
06 - best time around the world = los angeles/disneyland
07 - best time ever = making good friends/bonding with family
08 - best tv show = too many to say ... but some might leave bad memories or speak abt things unexpected

[commands] What would you do if ...
09 - a girl comes up to you on the street and says she likes u = tell her thanks, but no thanks cuz she might be suffering from post-break-up blues
10 - your parents demand you to joing a karaoke contest = definitely, but define the word "karaoke", i won't join the ge-tai stage type
11 - you get called up for a nickelodeon show "blue's clues" as a cast = i might as well join the sessame street team
12 - you tripped over a guest's foot and vomits right after = runaway, leaving no traces behind ... besides the vomit lah
13 - you get the chance to be the opposite gender = use my sixth sense and wear high heels
14 - a man in his golden years offers you a massage = SCREAM for help!!
15 - a book-worm geeky 8 yr old boy asks you to define the term "pulmonary artery" = politely reject him and stay far far away from him ... (you know children nowadays ...)
16 - your dream true love appears right in front of you in real life = dunno lah ... stutter i guess
17 - you get stuck in your fan's house filled with candles and a rope = jump off the window
18 - you are asked to play Pikachu for a commercial = i will join the desperate housewives cast instead
19 - you could fly = join The Amazing Race
20 - you could never die = thank the Lord
21 - you could stay slim forever = eat food that are yummy and eat more than 10 meals a day
22 - be your idol's personal assistant = ask for the autograph and grant me a monthly salary of $1mil (joking ...)
23 - no one on earth would ever be sentenced to jail/death = tear down the most ugly buildings in the world
24 - you could change into any animal = change into a cat and scratch my most hated enemy's face
25 - you could be anyone for a day = be a president and grant everyday a holiday! (like that would ever happen...)
26 - you had a very masculine body and very fit = purposely run past a group of obese (no lah ... don't wanna demoralise them)
27 - your good friend was a high-ranking official in the government = join him for breakfast, lunch, tea-break, hi-tea, dinner and supper everyday
28 - your fans ask for your autograph in front of your enemy = throw in free photo-taking sessions
29 - your enemy was your mother's best friend's son = too bad ... i'll tell my mum's best friend that he broke the windows in class, caused a false fire alarm, talked back to his teacher, prank called the school office, damaged the chair cuz he's way above weight (when he's only 30kg) and forced a school cleaner to quit cuz his toilet business is always too unbearable + has a PSI level of 102 (even before i can complete saying everything ... she would be fuming mad ... so .. why shld i waste my time, juz say the first one is enough) this is unrealistic
30 - your long-time enemy was a celebrity and you met him/her at a red-carpet event with lotsa media coverage = purposely step on his foot and say sacarstically "oops .. i'm so sorry ... i like didn't see you thats why ... probably you should wear shoes which can elevate you way higher ..." and then walk away standing tall

who should do this: 1) Nick Ng 2) Zacary Tan 3) Davin Chia 4) Josh Tan 5) AB

friday, 29 Sept 2006

M!©HæĹ at 3:20 PM

Friday, September 15, 2006


this post is different from the rest and actually wanted to start writing my stories, but decided to do this instead ...

Skin colour: tanned brown
Hair colour: black with brown reflection under sunlight
Eye colour: Hazel
Clothes colour: white
Wardrobe colour: black, grey, red, blue, white, yellow, orange
Seven memorable things last+this month:
1. received official document of entrance into IB
2. went for BB hike + SANA + Fireman's courses
3. planned for studies
4. acting as a maid during SANA
5. started joining in Bible Study
6. visited ACSP on Teachers Day Eve
7. made new friends
Six people you talked face to face this week 1. Jonathan 2. Dennis 3. TWang 4. Ryan 5. Yibin 6. Joshua Tan
Five things you bought recently 1. Malay Kuehs 2. 8 Days Magazine 3. Pen refil 4. Doughnut 5. Hashbrown
Four people you saw today 1. Yibin 2. Dad 3. Zacary 4. Jonathan
Three people you want to talk to now but cant 1. Nick Ng 2. Mr See 3. Nick Soh
Two things on your mind now 1. Writing stories 2. Penning new songs
Lastly, you need to tag 13 (your age) people to do this quiz
it's at the bottom, why mention it twice?
grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18 and find line four "Each company has a Chaplain who is usually a minister of your Sponsoring Church" - BB Handbook = very comprehensive with lotsa badges i wanna get
stretch your left arm out as far as you can: wadrobe
last thing you watched on TV? My Lovely Samsoon Series Finale
without looking, guess what time it is. 3.50 The actual time? 4.33
what can you hear with exception of the computer? cars on the road
when did you last step outside? this morning what were you doing? walking to MRT
what did you look at before you started this survey? Carrie Underwood's webpage
What are you wearing? school uniform + bermudas did you dream last night? no
When did you last laugh? yesterday when CL teacher told us abt his police experiences
what is on the walls of the room you are in? windows
anything weird lately? ryan drenched what do you think of this quiz? crazy
what is the last film you saw? hmm ... Garfield 2??
becoming a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy? World Bank
tell me something about you that i don't know who are u? i sing while i row on k1
what one thing would you change about the world? mentality of people
do you like to dance? yeah, sort of
if your first child is a girl,what do you call her? i don't think so far
your first child is a boy,what do you call him? Mr Michael Ong the 2nd (joking ...)
have you ever considered living abroad? duh
what do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates? i respect HIS decision ... so, no preference
5 people who must do this in their journal or blog 1. AB 2. Patricia 3. ABBIE 4. Yibin 5. Nick Lee

friday, 15 Sept 2006

M!©HæĹ at 4:15 PM

Saturday, September 09, 2006


the new week begun with an interesting bb course "SANA Anti-Drug Abuse" at sengkang (sigh ... brings back memories ...), anyways, on the morning train i saw joshua lim at the (NEL) dhoby ghaut station, but didn't talk to him till we got off at sengkang (not that i'm cold, but was too tired - o, thx for understanding, how thoughtful of u). we walked to the sengkang community hub, which is just opp. compass point and it was very new. went up to lvl 5 and first person i saw i got out of the lift was joshua wee constantly waving at me, and asking us to quickly go into the room for registration.

firstly, i would like to comment on the woman wearing pink who was one of the usherers ... she was very rude by harshly informing us to enter the room without considering our feelings. she had no respect for us at all and i was utterly dissapointed with their service. about half an hour later, after all the registrations and stuff, we settled inside the mega-big meeting room (for a community club). we were arranged very randomly and were not allowed to choose our seats (another dissapointing moment). i thought .. what kind of "pock" course is this ... 1st > rude person, the 2nd > no choosing allowed ...

we were briefed through by this CNB officer, who looked rather professional, and made things easy by telling us to memorise only those words in RED and the rest, we need not bother = 30% important + 70% unimportant. this really worked out alot and more people paid attention than the usual figures. the 20+ slides was rather exciting because of the study-made-easy lecture and then we moved on to the 31-slide lecture by another instructor who works with SANA. after which, we watched a short clip and were off for lunch. but before we were released, we were told that when we come back, we must be prepared to dicuss within our group for the ROLE-PLAY.

on my way to lunch, i discussed with zacary abt the role-play ... i thought off acting my alter-ego = yati (a fillipino maid, no offence to anyone). things just started to become comedy-like. the 12th coy (yeah!!) bb boys went to mac for lunch and most of the rest of them started to talk about DOTA and sorts. an hour later, we were back at the lecture theatre watching a ten-minute video of mr bean ... (how un-funny actually ... cuz' i've already watched it many many times).

then, everyone was back to business. we had group discussion on the role play to convey a message "not to take drugs + drugs is bad". so, we brainstormed for less than 40mins to come up with our script. no rehearsals were added in, so we just had an impromptu role-play. our members consisted of Deepeka + Sharon (from Northbrook SS), Kristina (from Orchid Park SS) & Zak + Me. i was the highlight of the act cuz' my part was the climax - the funniest part of all. i was yati = a maid and my most tickling line was "sorry boss, sorry boss, please don't fire me ..." it was spoken in a comedic way and had the crowd going = the best play of all.

meanwhile, at the start, also acted very well, with her snapping mosquitoes - what a hilarious sight!! zacary acted as my boss and he couldn't stop laughing while acting, cuz' the role-play was too funny already. sharon acted as the narrator and forgot to introduce us at the beginning, but her pleasant voice spared us from deduction of points. kristina had the most challenging part in the role play as she had to act as two people - first was the "drug-pusher" and secondly, my fellow "drug-pusher maid-friend" next door. kudos to my team for putting in so much effort!! together, we were drama-mamas. in the end, our group were one of the Top 4 groups (the exact position weren't mentioned) and we each won a kNow Drug bag. ironically, all 3 bb-canoeist (me, josh & zac) managed to win a prize (the bag) each!

special mention of the post: deepeka, sharon, kristina, zacary

saturday, 9 Sept 2006

M!©HæĹ at 3:24 PM

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


updated version (as of 9/9/06)
"God will make a way when there seems to be no way" ... this part of a song is indeed so true that i can't deny it. at the 48-hr hike from friday 6pm (1/9) - sunday 6pm (3/9), our whole group was not coordinated at all and were not encouraging each other at all. the night fell on friday and we were sleeping under the stars. i had been wishing that one day i would be sleeping under the stars and feel the cool breeze passing. now it's been fulfilled and i could not ask for more. it's all thanks to God without whom this would not have been made possible (ok ... sounds common here, but it's true).

then the next morning - our group arrived at yishun at about 9++am for the commencement of our hike. i had to be the pacer as i was not assigned any job and i counted ... and counted ... and counted ... for about 4km which = 4000/100 x 75 paces = 3000 paces (claps, claps, good job michael!!). then we took a break for lunch at some Nee Soon Park i think ... there we were cooking under a small hut with vulgarities filling the wall. and if u stand in the middle of the hut where it says "stand, voice, echo" and talk, u would be able to hear your echoes through a circular motion. and + there's still this really cool toilet. when u go in, the button to lock the door is a touch-button (not press) and once locked, it will say "you have a maximum of 10 minutes to use the toilet". then, it was music time - they actually played some classical music inside for you to relax while doing your business!! how thoughtful of the toilet management.

then after lunch, it was back to my turn and then mervyn took over for a while and then it was back to me. so in all, plus the night hike ... i had calculated pacings over 6 - 8km. that was really tough!! it was day 2, i woke up striked my tent and walked out for breakfast together with my bb group partner, Jonathan Poon. i looked straight ahead and saw the cute little LRT which came every 4 mins (much faster than the NEL, NSL, EWL) ... but anyways, i never really did see an LRT before and managed to get a good look at it.

much much later, we were at sengkang (yes, it is very very far, but yes, we made it) ... we walked through the deserted IMH and went there to refill our empty bottles. we had planned to cook at the carpark, but the fierce-looking security had already scared us inside out. he might just report us to bb hq, so we decided not to take the risk and settled at a HDB carpark, which was ... jus next to a rubbish dump (but closed up of course). we were limited to a packet of maggi mee for 2 ppl due to some "war scenerio" where there's a supposed shortage of food. we were admiring the McDonalds opposite and even drooling too (eww ... of course not!!) dot dot dot ...

finally, two hours after noon, we took the EWL via NEL back to school and had this weird rounds of game started off by mr albert ong (the 2nd) ... quoting from him: "a boy travelled on the train from choa chu kang to sengkang to yio chu kang, where did he go next?" ... and all sorts of funny questions started popping out. only mervyn and primer yeong wei managed to break the code, which was rather very silly. anyways, it was a good 48-hour hike ... considering we had *er-herm* treats... and finally with the 2500xp, i can be promoted ... in a month's time ... diaoz |||.

saturday, 9 Sept 2006

M!©HæĹ at 3:52 PM